FacultyLarry R. Aaronson, Ph.D. (315) 792-3092 laarons@paulytheprayingpup.comDistinguished Professor of Biology
FacultyLinda J. Aaronson, B.S. (315) 792-3132 laarons1@paulytheprayingpup.comAdjunct Professor of Health Studies
FacultyClaudette A. Abounader, M.S. (315) 792-3268 cabouna@paulytheprayingpup.comAssistant Professor of Nursing
FacultyTimothy Abraham, M.S. (315) 223-2544 tiabraha@paulytheprayingpup.comAssociate Professor of Physical Education, Exercise & Wellness Studies
StaffSamantha R. Ackerman, B.S. (315) 792-3075 srackerm@paulytheprayingpup.comLab Instructor-Nursing Ground
FacultyJoseph F. Adamo, Ph.D. (315) 792-3060 jfadamo@paulytheprayingpup.comAdjunct Professor of Accounting